

I am in post-doc position at CNRS in the ECO team in Montpellier, France.

My research theme is computational number theory. Currentely, I work on the problem of computing class groups in quadratic number fields and I have a high interest in lattice-based cryptography.

I defended my thesis entitled “the discrete logarithm problem in extensions of finite fields” on december 2024 at Inria-Nancy, France.

New results

A work with Cécile Pierrot and Emmanuel Thomé on using Galois automorphisms in the Tower Number Field Sieve will be made public soon. We have exciting results that lead to significant accelerations in the linear algebra step. These accelerations allow significant and practical improvements in attacks against pairings.

Short Vita: (Long_curriculum_vitae.pdf)

  • Doctorat “the discrete logarithm problem in extensions of finite fields”, at LORIA, Nancy, France, under the supervision of Cécile PIERROT and Emmanuel THOMÉ, defended on december 2024.
  • Teaching at École des Mines, Nancy, France, Oct 2021 - Dec 2024.
  • Master’s degree in applied Algebra at the University of Versailles, Versailles, France, 2021.
  • Agrégation title in Mathematics and Master’s degree in teaching Mathematics at the University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, 2020.

Sieve riddle

There are 100 closed doors numbered from 1 to 100. Begin at door 1 and open all the doors multiple of 1 (all doors). Go to number 2 and close all the doors multiple of 2. Go to number 3 and change the state of the doors multiple of 3. Go to number 4 … until door 100. Which of the doors are open at the end ?